Special transport, special passion

Photo Contest

You don't need to be a photography expert or own a professional camera to participate in our photography contest. With a mobile phone, you can also take award-winning photos, as long as the equipment, new or used, was purchased from Trainar and features an interesting load.


Photos must be of the best possible quality and well-focused. Photos can be submitted in the following ways:

Whichever method you choose, please include your name, phone number, email, and a brief description of the equipment.


Each month we will reward the best photograph with an item that the winner will be able to choose from this catalogue.

But that is not all. Among all the photographs received during the year, in December we will announce an annual winner who will receive this Goldhofer scale model.

Note: Our photography contest is limited to the national level and will exclusively reward participants residing in Spain, including the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

Accepted formats: jpeg, tiff, png
Maximum number of files: 3
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Your participation in the photo contest has been submitted.
Photo Contest
Take part in our photo contest and be the next winner.
Good luck!

Gallery of pictures received

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